I wish there was a word for the feeling when you walk inside an old barn. The dusty, earthy smell, the sun peaking through the cracks in the walls, the dirt floor under your feet.
One of our favorite things about using repurposed barn wood for some of our handmade signs is using a material that has been around for generations and giving it a new life.
When our friends reached out about a sign for their new farm, we knew we had to find a way to incorporate their old barn.
The barn on their property had been in their family for over a hundred years. But when they were moving to a new farm it was time to part ways with their beloved barn. Luckily we were able to use the wood from their family’s barn in order to create the sign that now hangs proudly at the entrance to their new farm.
100 years of existence means this wood has gathered some incredible stories that can continue to be remembered and celebrated while this sign collects new stories.
We hope this little piece of history continues to stay in their family for generations to come.